
Hilton Downtown -
369 West Vine Street, Lexington, KY, 40507
1-877-539-1648 or 859-231-9000
There is a block of rooms for $129 per night. Please ask for the group code UKDF18 to receive the room rate. Click here to book your room online.
Government rate employees please click here to book your room. You must provide proof of government employment upon check in. The group code for the government group is UKFDGV.
INDIVIDUAL RESERVATIONS: Each individual guest will make their own reservations by calling 1-877-539-1648 or 859-231-9000 and a private access webpage created by Hotel complimentary. Webpage will be available six months prior to the arrival date. The webpage is specific to this meeting only. All reservations must be made by May 10, 2019. Callers must identify themselves as members of the SFTIC Group. All reservations must be guaranteed and accompanied by a first night room deposit or guaranteed with a major credit card. Reservations cancelled after 24 hours prior to day of arrival will be charged for the first night’s room and tax. Ask for the SFTIC Conference and SFTIC Conference GOVT. when calling to receive the reduced rates.
The group code is UKDF18 & or for Governmental rates ask for UKFDGV.