
About SFTIC:
The Southern Forest Tree Improvement Committee (SFTIC) is the de facto professional organization of tree improvement specialists throughout the southeastern United States. SFTIC has organized and coordinated tree improvement activities and has sponsored studies including the first quantification of geographic variation in the southern pines (the South-wide Southern Pine Seed Source Study). The Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference organized by SFTIC has met biannually for 70 years to exchange information and to discuss current research and future needs.
Learn more at www.sftic.org
Why attend SFTIC 2019?
If your work focuses on using applied genetics, genomics or biotechnology in traditional or accelerated tree breeding or clonal selection, you should be at this conference. When you leave SFTIC, you will walk away with the most up-to-date information on the future of genetics and breeding for forest tree improvement, and garner many additional valuable benefits.
In today’s competitive market place, SFTIC provides a valuable opportunity to discuss results of new and innovative tree improvement activities, exchange ideas of trends and potential for genetic improvement, and promote networking and collaboration among practitioners, scientists, researchers, students and industry professionals.
Take advantage of this opportunity that only occurs once every two years and make plans to join us!
Who should attend?
This SFTIC is designed to bring together those actively engaged in applying genetics and genomics to improve tree breeding practices for enhanced genetic gain in adaptive and productivity traits. A particular focus this year will be genetic and improvement of traits providing resistance and tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses, including insect and disease resistance and tolerance to drought and extreme temperatures.
If your work focuses on using applied genetics, genomics and biotechnology for genetically improving forest trees you should be at the conference!
Conference participants include:
- Forest Geneticists and Tree Breeders
- Forest Biotechnologists
- Forest Entomologists and Tree Pathologists
- Tree Physiologists and Silviculture Researchers
- Tree Improvement managers
- Tree Nursery and Seed Orchard managers
- Procurement foresters/Forest consultants/Forest landowners
- Academic scientists, and post-doctoral, graduate and undergraduate students
- Forest products retailers and wholesalers
- Forest industry professionals
- State and Federal forestry professionals